Welcome to the

Wisbech Baptist Church

Web site

Our Mission


As a church, we endeavour to follow the command of Jesus to “make disciples of every nation”.  Visitors are welcome at all our services.  

We bring the good news of Jesus to people not only on Sundays but at special events, such as our Senior Citizens’ Week and our Flower Festival.  Several times a year we aim to make contact with people in the town, by having some outdoor activity. For example, at Easter we offer people a hot cross bun, at Harvest we give out details of our Harvest Festival along with an apple pie, and at Christmas, we offer a mince pie and a leaflet showing our Christmas services.

We are involved in the local Churches Together, and have participated in local acts of witness (marches, outdoor services) to raise the profile of the Gospel in our town.

By our giving and prayers, we support the work of the Baptist Union’s “Home Mission” work, which helps churches who could not otherwise afford a minister, to have one.

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