Hill Street, Wisbech. PE13 1BD
To find out about Wisbech, you can consult our own brief description. Alternatively, look at the Wisbech Community Network, Wikipedia, About Britain, or the BBC.
Please note, however, that we are not responsible for the content of these external sites.
The church itself is in Hill Street, in the centre of Wisbech. If you know the town, it is just next to Brewer’s (the florist’s and greengrocer’s) and opposite the Horsefair Tavern. However, most visitors get to the church from the multi-storey car park in the Horsefair (or the coach station right next to it).
Leave the car park and walk straight ahead (with the coach station on your right). When you reach Boots, turn right and the church is on your left. Look for the entrance pictured, below which has now been painted white.
If you’d like a detailed map, the best is one produced for us by Find a Church. Alternatively you could try the services of Google Maps, StreetMap or Multimap